Obscure Web Vulns
October 7, 2020
Last updated
October 7, 2020
Last updated
This post is a walkthrough for the TryHackMe room ZTH: Obscure Web Vulns. I highly recommend having the Payload All Things while doing this room or just for your toolkit.
TASK 1 – 3
Just read, and click the button to complete.
TASK 4: Manual exploitation of SSTI
4.0: “How would a hacker(you) cat out /etc/passwd on the server(using cat with the rce payload)”
4.1: “What about reading in the contents of the user test’s private ssh key.(use the read file one not the rce one)”
TASK 5: Automatic Exploitation of SSTI
5.0: “How would I cat out /etc/passwd using tplmap on the ip:port combo, with the vulnerable param “noot”.”
TASK 6: Challenge
6.0: For this flag I found it easy to just use ls combined with cat in the previously learned tasks. We can see here we are in /home/para
Once I entered this in the search bar, it gave me a list of parent-level directories.
I will change some of the command so I may cat the file out.
Here is our flag!
TASK 7 – 8
Just read, and click the button to complete.
Task 9: CSRF: Automatic Exploitation
TASK 10 – 13
Just read, and click the button to complete.
Task 14: JWT: Challenge!
Having the Payload All Things: JWT – JSON Web Token, reading here was helpful. Task 12 will explain this very well here.
TASK 15 – 17
Just read, and click the button to complete.
TASK 18: JWT: Challenge
This task was a little frustrating due to https://jwt.io/ not allowing me to edit the header part of the JWT without completely disappearing. So, what I ended up doing was I grabbed the header from task 16 since I knew we would use HS256 and JWT for the challenge.
(You can see my algorithm set as none in the first picture when I would try to make an edit the header would completely vanish.)
I then went to the developer tools in Firefox to change out my JWT. Once I copied the new token in exchange for my current token, I was greeted with an admin page.
TASK 19 – 21
Just read, and click the button to complete.
TASK 22: XXE: Challenge
22.0: How many users are on the system?
22.1: What is the name of the user with a UID of 1000?
Follow task 20 here, it does a great job explaining, along with “Payload All Things”. It would also be helpful to use burpsuite here.
TASK 23 – 24
Just read, and click the button to complete.
TASK 25: Bonus Section: Challenge
First, get jwt-cracker
Next, input the token the same way task 24 does. Token, Alphabet, and Length.
TASK 26: Credits
Read and celebrate.